Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Birthday Day

6th August 2005

Just two days before we entered through the golden gates of GCTS, 3 of our batchmates celebrated their b'days in the peace of their homes, with their loved ones. They're very apprehensive about the new turn their lives are taking and this is probably their last "normal" celebration, they tell themselves.

6th August 2009

Its' been a few months since college got over, finally.
Once again the 3 b'day people are with their loved ones in t
he peace of their home... but they are missing something.
The madness that b'day's at college had come to mean, the day-long queue of wishes and bumps which began at dot 12 midnight. The icing smeared faces and the glitter stuck in hair, the ballons bursting all around. The hugs, yes, and the wonderfully wrapped-up gifts too!

Between these two dates lies a whole world
- our world of debates: whether to go for strawberry or choclate or to go 'jugaad'? whether to go obnoxious with the ballon fillings or with the bumps? or maybe show some mercy for a change?
-our world of music: bangla-hindi-oriya-english-whatevr! rhythm is what counts... anything which allows for movement is welcome on a party-night!
-our world of planning: what to keep and what to remove from the b'day treat menu.. budget's thinner than a shoestring afterall!
-our world of friends: everyone is eligible for the bumps/kicks!!
-our world of joy: b'days were a somewhat painful affair for the 'causes' but the effect somewhat made up for it :)

To these amazing people who owe us all a grand treat:
This, we hope, makes up for our absence :)

P.S: I only knew about these three b'days on this date... if there were others and I've been missing them over the years, please pardon me and correct before the b'day boy/girl kills me.
I take this opportunity to forward another gentle reminder about our treats due over the years....

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